
Showing posts from February, 2014

Joyrich at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong & Zhongxiao Dunhua, Taipei

I really fell in love with Joyrich after following their instagram accounts. So when I went to Hong Kong and Taipei recently, I just had to hunt for the shop and buy some stuffs! Below are some pictures of my Joyrich collection. And here are the addresses to the boutiques:   JOYRICH TAIWAN Alley 35, Lane 181, Section 4, Zhōngxiào East Rd, Daan District Address: Address: Taipei City, Taiwan 106 Nearest MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua ‎ Relocated from  Relocated to    Not true?   Show all edits   Not tru Placement on map is approximate    JOYRICH HONG KONG Flat A, G/F, 1-3 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong      There are other outlets in other countries as well! Or you can choose to shop online too. You can visit  for more information. (:

Avenue of Stars at Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Visited Avenue of Stars at Tsim Sha Tsui while I was in Hong Kong last December. Let the pictures do the talking!   Oh, if you are in Hong Kong during the cold season, be sure to wear lots and lots of clothings. Especially if you were to visit Avenue of Stars, which is right by the river. It can get very chilly and windy!!!! I didn't thought that it would be so cold. So I only wore a tshirt and a jacket, with leggings. I was seriously freezing! Luckily my Hong Kong friend was there to block me from the cold wind. XD      

Ah Meow Cat Store in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

In December last year, I went to Hong Kong for a short trip and as usual, I've got to visit a cat café there! I did some research and found one at Causeway Bay area.   I've gotten their namecard and member card as souveniors! Here's the address of the café: 3D, Po Ming Building, 2 Foo Ming Street, Causeway Bay         My friends and I got a table right next to this noticeboard filled with kitty drawings from previous customers. Many of them are so cute and nicely drawn!     We found a notepad and my brother decided to give a try as well. And I have to mention that he is a very good designer and have his own streetwear brand.     The cat on the left was what he drew!! The other cats on the right were drawn by me and my friend. HEHE.       The salmon pizza and hot chocolate I got for myself. The food was generally average. But I guess it's a good place to chill with...